The Dark Lord Show
obama as a drako dark lord

We decoded Obama’s speech at the Correspondents’ Dinner 2016 on 1 – 5 – 2016:

1. You can’t say it but you know its true.

In the esoteric there are things that cannot be said as there are rules to the game. Yet those who know the code will read between the lines and know it. That is because the are hidding things from the angle dimension.

2. Perhaps the last Whitehouse correspondence day

The White-house is code for the House of God, here he suggested this is the last time God will communicate with humans. The harvest is dawning.

3. The end of the republic has never looked better

Those familiar with Star Wars will know that the republic ends and the Empire begins. Code for the birth of a New World Order, or the ‘Hell on Earth’ plan.

4. My 8th and final appearance

8 is a Jesus Code. Each breed needs to complete this code to proceed beyond this dimension. With the DNA integration of this new breed they will have access to the Jesus Code.

5. I am excited. If this material works well, I’m gonna use it a Goldman sax next year

The Material is mono-atomic Gold. This substance is used for ascension purposes, to accelerate the atomic spin of the cells, hence the Gods are made of Gold.

6. Look at me now, ‘Grey’, drizzled, counting down the days

He has been integrated with the DNA of the Grey (falsely known as the Zeta’s by many). The countdown refers to the end of days, the moment when the sky’s will be opened, and the harvest begins.

7. Despite the churn, my approval ratings keep going up. Last time I was this high…

The churn refers to the churning of the oceans, revealed in the Hindu cosmology as code for the end of the Yuga of Time. ‘Approval keeps going up’ and ‘this high’ are reference to acceptance into the Golden Age and the avoidance of annihilation.

8. Burnie, you look like a million dollars, or 37,000 donations of 27 dollars each

37 multiplied by 27 is number code for 999. The number 37 creates the numbers 111, 222, 333, 444 etc. when multiplied by the three times table, up until 27 where it terminates at 999. 27 + 37 = 64 the square of 8.

9. The Burnie phenomena – go to burning man – burnie might have let her but not us.

Burn is mentioned on many occasions in this section, referring to the realm of fire. This insinuates a deal struck between the Drako, grey and the king of the Solar Dimension of Fire. Sun/Murcury

10. I’m hurt Burnie, you’ve been distancing yourself from me, not something you do to a comrade.

Burnie slogan – help catch fire among young people. “Feel the Burn” (x2), its a good slogan
Distancing is about separation from this dimension. In order to ascend they will offer the souls of the young people to the fire come the harvest.

11. The rules were well established ahead of time

The rules of the game were established before the commencement of the Yugas. These are immutable law of Karma and the Law of Equilibrium that they understand.

12. Trump knows about running waterfront properties into the ground.

The Earth is the dimension of Water. Running it into the ground means turning it into a realm of fire. Trump is a card played in a game. This is code for the Hell on Earth Plan. The claiming of human souls come the harvest.

13. Michelle Obama in hot water.

He will sacrifice his wife to the king of the Hell Realm in return for salvation

14. Obama care is great, it really works (turns into a Drako lizard brain)

It really works. A boast about the integration of Drako, Grey and Human DNA into a single being. He is the prototype. The next step will be to see if the mono atomic gold will accelerate his 4D spin to the levels needed for ascension. Care refers to the ‘Cremation of Care’ ceremony, conducted over the years at Bohemian Grove.

15. “No, talk to somebody who’s been through this” Michelle talking

Michelle is channelling code subconsciously. Come and talk to us Mr Obama. You are in extreme danger.

16. “Michelle’s gonna be busy” Obama. “That’s right, let her go, plenty of time to work on your tan” Man hands Obama a cigarette.

Cigarette is an element of fire. Letting her go is about sacrificing his wife in the end times to the fire.

17. “347th round of golf, and that’s totally great” reporter 1, “I can’t think of a reason to care, and believe me I’ve tried”, reporter 2

3 + 4 + 7 is Lucas number code. It utilised for the decent into the hell realm. Again the mention of ‘Care’. Very dangerous unless you understand exactly what you are doing. We feel you do not Mr Obama. There are other ways by the way.

18. I appreciate the role you have all played as equal partners….Only two more words to say “Obama Out”. Hold two fingers over his mouth and drops the microphone.

The role is code for the divine play. Fulfilling the prophecy. Obama Out signifies that he believes he has made the ascension code. Two finger means that those who understand must remain silent as this time as the angle are watching. Dropping the microphone, like a bomb on the Earth, means they intend to destroy this planet and harvest the souls for themselves, should the DNA intergration work with the mono-atomic element. This action is repeated in their fighting talk message to the Queen of England. “Bring it” is code that suggest they are ready for the end days.


The Inter-dimensional Drako and the Grey have worked together to engineer a new breed that integrates their DNA with the Human, creating a new breed of being. This prototype will soon receive the mono-atomic elements whereby they will see whether this integration can hold together as the DNA is accelerated. Provisional test suggest a positive in this regard. If the result is positive they will know by next year. Then they might try to terminate the Earth.

They seem to have struck a deal with the King of the Hell Realm, (Mercury-Sun dimension), who has agreed to provide them safe passage out of the Solar dimension, through the Lucas Code. Whether this is a trick working for or against the Divine Order is not clear.

The Dark Lord


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I’m running this show! Leader of the Shayṭān, demons. Satan is a term, as well as the name of a figure appearing in the texts of the Abrahamic religions who brings evil and temptation, and is known as the deceiver that leads humanity astray. Some religious groups teach that he originated as an angel who fell out of favor with God, seducing humanity into the ways of sin, and who now rules over the fallen world. In the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, Satan is primarily an accuser and adversary, a decidedly malevolent entity (a.k.a. the devil) who possesses demonic qualities. In Theistic Satanism, Satan is considered a positive force and deity who is either worshipped or revered. In LaVeyan Satanism, Satan is regarded as holding virtuous characteristics. The original Hebrew term,satan, ts a noun from a verb meaning primarily to, “obstruct, oppose,” as it is found in Numbers 22:22