The Dark Lord Show
Post has published by The Dark Lord

We are going to arrange a person meeting between you and the Dark Lord. For this service we charge £1,000,000, to cover all expenses, and then you can nominate a location anywhere on the face of the Earth, (North and South Poles Excluded)

OK, so let’s begin

Fill out your details on the form to begin your submission.

We will need you to transfer £1,000,000 to an account, the details of which you will receive shortly after your submission, prior to the meeting. Upon receiving the confirmation of the transfer of funds, we will arrange for a date and location. We will consider your wishes but cannot guarantee the location will be in the place of your choosing.

All Clear?

I need more time to get the CASH Together..
"Sure! Come back when you are Ready..."
Ok I got it.
"Great! Let's Begin..."

Just fill out the FORM and I'll we'll be in touch with the next steps..

One step closer to your Salvation…

    Please provide us with a CODE NAME

    We need a contact email too

    If you like you can provide an address where you would like to meet:

    We need to know in which country you want to meet:

    Are you Associated with any: