The Dark Lord Show
Scientific Identity, Portrait of Henri PoincarŽ


Henri Poincaré

Date of Death

17 July 1912


Details of Sins:

Henri Poincaré was a mathematician and physicist who was key in the development of Einstein’s Theory of relativity. He produced a series of clever mathematical proofs that supported Lorentz’s equations on particle physics.

He was the originator of the idea of ‘Gravity Waves’, that allowed Einstein to bend Minkowski’s space-time. Through thier evil scheming they effectively removed the Aether Theory as a credible scientific theory, discrediting true genius such as the Great Nicola Tesla, thus leading the whole of humanity in completely the wrong direction. Consequently, even today, humanity has completely no idea about how gravity really works.

The reason for this lies firmly in the hands of these three men, (Poincaré, Lorentz, and Minkowski), who were tasked to engineer Einstein and ensue his erroneous theory’s dominated scientific thinking. Whilst being completely aware of the wonderful successes of Nicola Tesla, they sought to undermine his position as a credible scientist by ridiculing the concept of the Aether whilst quietly ignoring the inconsistencies in thier own theories.

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I’m running this show! Leader of the Shayṭān, demons. Satan is a term, as well as the name of a figure appearing in the texts of the Abrahamic religions who brings evil and temptation, and is known as the deceiver that leads humanity astray. Some religious groups teach that he originated as an angel who fell out of favor with God, seducing humanity into the ways of sin, and who now rules over the fallen world. In the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, Satan is primarily an accuser and adversary, a decidedly malevolent entity (a.k.a. the devil) who possesses demonic qualities. In Theistic Satanism, Satan is considered a positive force and deity who is either worshipped or revered. In LaVeyan Satanism, Satan is regarded as holding virtuous characteristics. The original Hebrew term,satan, ts a noun from a verb meaning primarily to, “obstruct, oppose,” as it is found in Numbers 22:22

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