The Dark Lord Show
Post has published by The Dark Lord

Oh, no… another COMPLAINT.

Don’t tell me… You are having trouble navigating TARTARUS?


You think you are missing some KARMA POINTS?

I only deal with these two technical complaints. You got it….

Yeah, I've got a problem...
"OK! fill out this complaint form..."
I Can't Find my 'PYFGD' Video...
"I can't help with that. You have to go over to PRODUCTION in the AUDITORIUM"
Oh..err..No complaints.
"A Demon with no complaints. That would be a first..."

Just fill out the FORM and I'll pass it over to the technical guys to look into..

Complaint Form (Technical)

    Your Email

    Complaint Type

    Website - TechnicalLost Karma Points

    Details of the Compliant:

    Location URL(for technical complaints)